Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Week 1

Hello young entrepreneurs! I hope you all got the email I sent out last week. Since the blog is up and running I thought I would post a week 1 recap here.  Last Thursday we talked about what an entrepreneur is, and watched a really inspirational video about a girl who started her business at age 11, and by the time she was 19 her company was doing over $3 million in sales!!!!!
     We gave a small assignment, nothing too involved we promise, that we want the kids to come to class ready for this week. We would like them to research and bring in at least the name of a young entrepreneur. Mostly we want to make sure that we don't have any repeats among the students. They will be telling us more about the person they select at a later date.  Also, the kids are going to be starting a small business, and we want them to think about two things and bring their thoughts with them: first, something they really like to do/are good at, and second, what need or problem they would like to fix at FILA.
     This week we are going to be discussing brand recognition, market research, and finding your niche. Parents, if you could help your budding business owners with their small assignments we would really appreciate it! Thanks, we are very excited to be working with your kids.
-Teachers Becky O and Shannon H

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